Kevin Clyne

Urban Planner + Technologist


MTA Construction & Development
Director, Capital Strategy
11-2022 → Present


Linkedin / Github

HR&A Public Reports 2019-2022

From 2019-2022, I worked at HR&A Advisors - a consulting firm that specializes in providing strategic advice on real estate, economic development, and urban planning issues to public and private-sector clients. I worked alongside a talented team of experts to help a range of clients make informed decisions about how to grow and develop urban areas sustainably and effectively.

Over the course of my tenure at HR&A, I specialized in developing advanced methodologies to analyze market trends, economic conditions, and community needs to provide clients with recommendations on how to create vibrant, livable, and economically thriving communities. I worked across a broad cross-section of projects including the development of funding and governance plans for new parks, leading economic impact analyses, designing affordable housing strategies, or developing policies to help attract businesses and jobs.

Here’s a select sample of publicly available work that I contributed to during my time at HR&A:

Wordles With Friends

Like most people, my family has gotten really into Wordle. We have a group chat where we share scores everyday and complain about particularly hard words. We had a good sense of who was doing better than others, but I wanted to make it a bit more competitive...

Wordles With Friends is a text-bot that automatically tracks all Wordle scores in any group text-chain based on the standard Wordle "Share" format. Once all members of the group chat have shared their scores for the day, the bot tabulates rolling scores and shares the current leaderboard.The bot awards points based on the number of guesses.

March 2022

Include +1-507-WORDLES (+1-507-967-3537) in any group-text to start an automatic score tracker. (Or use it to track your own scores across devices)

IHCDA Indiana Housing Dashboard

On behalf of the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority, I developed an interactive web-based dashboard to showcase metrics measuring relevant demographic and housing related trends for the whole state and across all counties.

Combined, these metrics form the baseline of a housing needs assessment meant to inform the public of the state of housing production and affordability where they live in order to highlight inequities and help to better promote racially equitable outcomes through the allocation of housing resources across the state.

December 2021

An interactive dashboard featuring map and data visualizations of demographics and housing trends in the State of Indiana.

Miami DDA Interactive Office Market Report

Working on behalf of the Miami Downtown Development Authority I helped drive a shift away from a prior focus on PDF market reports to a new web-based format featuring an interactive scrolling narrative that combines the timeliness and dynamism of live dashboards with the nuance and critical lens of a research brief.

This modular structure contains a series of interactive graphics and charts that ingest and transform live data from a variety of sources and displays the outputs instantaneously accompanied by a static narrative that provides color to recent development trends and draws attention to the dynamism and potential of Downtown Miami.

March 2021

A scrolling data visualization of the future of Miami’s downtown.

Mobile Location Data Analysis

To support a variety of projects across the country assessing the impact of COVID on small businesses, I’ve looked to the data vendor SafeGraph.

SafeGraph’s core product is a comprehensive dataset of "locations where consumers can spend money and/or time” which they enrich with anonymized mobile location data using a proprietary attribution model to estimate visitation trends for these places.

Purely a raw data vendor, SafeGraph leaves it up to you to make the data actionable. Using this data I’ve developed custom Python modules to conduct a variety of analyses such as:

  • understanding the catchment area of whole retail corridors, extrapolated to understand what share of visitors are local, regional, or out-of-market tourists.

  • charting the visitation trends of specific categories of retail to understand which sectors are driving recovery.

  • assessing the impact of interventions such as open streets on the performance of small businesses.

Using these analyses, HR&A is able to produce tailored assessments of the current state of local small businesses and develop specific recovery strategies targeting the areas of most need.

June 2020 - Present

Mapping the change in visitor-shed to Downtown Newark post-COVID. In many downtowns, closing – and then reopening – food and beverage establishments has had the greatest impact on foot traffic.